Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Misc. Updates

Geez! I’m getting behind on my posts. Here’s a quick summary of what I’ve been up to:

-- It’s been 80 degrees around here. Finally, the bright side of global warming! I actually got a sunburn over the weekend while reading a book in the backyard.

-- Speaking of reading, I finished “Exquisite Corpse” in a day. It felt good to put my art history minor to use for a bit. I really miss those classes.

-- We did a ton of yard work over the weekend. I want to give a shout out to Amaze Grass and Weed Preventer. It really works and saves me tons of arduous weeding time.

-- Don’t you hate it when you sit down to watch a Netflix movie, open the envelope, and the disk is cracked? That seems to happen to me way too often.

-- Make sure you check out Starbucks tomorrow between 10 a.m. and noon. They’re giving away free coffee! Thanks to my very special friend for letting me know!

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