Friday, March 02, 2007

Hit and Run

I am medicating myself with an apple martini right now. I had a bit of a traumatizing situation at work today.

I was minding my own business, using the restroom, when another person came in and slammed herself against the door to the stall I was using in an attempt to open it (I’m assuming she didn’t realize I was in there). Well, she slammed it with such force that the lock came undone and the door smacked me square in the head!! I was in such shock, I screamed “Excuse me, you’re hitting my head!” I’m sure the person was surprised too, and yelled back, “It was an accident,” and swiftly left the restroom. I have no idea who my attacker was!

I was totally embarrassed by this when it first happened. I had a killer headache and wanted to ask to go home early, but I felt really stupid explaining why I needed to leave. So I just sat there and suffered. But then I realized that I needed to share my story because, people, you need to be on guard at all times! Even when peeing!!

OK. Here’s the part where I reveal what a total bitch I am and why I probably deserved to get assaulted in the restroom:

A few weeks ago Starbucks was offering these really cool shirts for free. They are limited edition (only 10,000 were made)! Basically, you could go on the Starbucks site and create an image depicting your favorite Starbucks beverage. If you happened to log on between like 10:00 a.m. PST and 10:02 a.m. PST, you might have been lucky enough to get through and get your free shirt. If not, you could get an icon or computer wallpaper image of your drink. I found this out when the promotion first started and managed to score a shirt on my first try! I was going to spread the word and blog about it but, after consulting with the husband, decided to keep this little treasure of an opportunity to myself so as not to lessen my chances of getting more shirts. Well friends, I happened to end up with a total of three shirts!! I got the first in the mail today and I love it!

The others are going on eBay. There are a few up for auction now, and they’re going for a pretty penny.

I personally thought this was a genius promotion on Starbucks’ part, but folks on the Starbucks Gossip blog disagree with me. I don’t really care, cause I can’t wait to wear mine out tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Oh, the horror. Although, I've been a victim, too.

Anonymous said...

Cute shirt!!

I guess you're not safe anywhere these days.

Anonymous said...

I just thought you might like a free starbucks!

Starbucks To Give Away 500,000 FREE Cups of Coffee

As part of a marketing scheme to turn the Starbucks craze into an absolute frenzy, Starbucks is giving away FREE coffee on March 15 from 10 am to noon as part of their Second Annual Coffee Break. This event is scheduled to take place in all licensed Starbucks stores worldwide.

Starbucks anticipates giving away over 500,000 ‘tall’ cups of coffee during this event.

Next Thursday, March 15th, plan on stopping by your local Starbucks between 10am and 12 noon. During that time, Starbucks will be holding is 2nd annual Coffee Break. All company-operated and licensed Starbucks stores in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Greater China will be giving away free Tall (12-ounce) cups of coffee to anyone who drops by. (redflagdeals)