Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Barf-day to Me

Yesterday I mentioned that we spent part of the weekend at a beach house. Well, some of our friends came with their baby, who had been sent home from day care the day before because he was throwing up and had a bad case of diarrhea. He seemed to be doing better, so they brought him along to the festivities.

After dinner, the baby's parents both started throwing up and headed home.

Last night, at about 4:00 a.m., I woke up and started throwing up. That lasted through the rest of the night and continued into the morning. I called in sick to work and spent my birthday with my head in the toilet and my butt on the couch. I'm still a little nauseas and have the chills really bad. But I've been able to keep down some crackers and drink some ginger ale, so that's a good sign.

Steve started making some calls and it turns out there are six of us (so far) who were at the party and have fallen prey to this mysterious baby virus of death. I have a feeling that Steve is next, because he's been exhibiting some symptoms.

So, for my birthday, I will probably be dining on soup and crackers. My mom and dad came over earlier to drop off some supplies, including the soup, crackers, ginger ale, a bag of marshmallows and the newest copy of US Weekly. I was a very bad hostess and threw up during their visit :(

It was very nice to get a few birthday calls from friends, since that was my only interaction with the outside world today. Steve also came home at lunch to keep my company. My mom told me that when they were driving down my street, they saw some kids from a preschool around the corner walking around the neighborhood for a Halloween parade. I couldn't even make it up to look out the window and watch that cuteness!

I hope tomorrow will be better. Consensus is that Day Two of mysterious baby virus of death is a bit better, but not 100 percent.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Sorry, you had to spend it sick. Take care and take all the time that you need to recover at home.

Anonymous said...

Trick-or-Treat!! Hope you are feeling better.....

Anonymous said...

Booh to being sick!

Anonymous said...

Bummer! Sounds like a pretty nasty bug... hope you are feeling better so you can enjoy your favorite night of the year! :) Happy Halloween!