Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Bon Voyage!

I went to pilates tonight and it was a bit better than last time. At least I felt like I exerted a bit of effort.

Anyway, the main focus of today was getting ready for our trip to Florida. We leave tomorrow to visit our family members who have recently re-located there (in the Orlando area). I'm sort of dreading the flight, since it'll be quite long, as we're stopping in Dallas and have a three-hour layover there! To gear up for it, I went to Borders at my lunch today and bought the "Stitch and Bitch, Happy Hookers" crochet book. I also bought a bunch of yarn, figuring maybe I could teach myself a new stitch on the plane or maybe even get started on a project. I also got some puzzle books to keep us occupied should the crochet frustrate me. I'm not sure if they let you take scissors on the plane anymore? I found a little pair of fold-up sewing scissors that I'm going to attempt to bring on, because gnawing at yarn with my teeth doesn't sound fun. I also have a book, "Mad Girls in Love." And should all else fail, I've got some Tylenol PMs. Those and a glass of wine should keep me out for at least a few hours.

So, here's our agenda while we're there:

  • Wednesday: Land and just chill
  • Thursday: Visit a Santana Row-like place with restaurants and shopping, go to my cousin Ryan's softball game, have my Stampin' Up practice demonstration
  • Friday: Universal Studios with the whole family
  • Saturday: Drive to Daytona to have dinner with Erika and Andy
  • Sunday: Orthodox Easter celebration (yes, I'm such a lucky girl, I get to celebrate Easter twice!)
  • Monday: Fly home

Not very long, but it'll be a nice break. I'm hoping we can squeeze a trip to Disney in there somewhere, cause I had so much fun when Steve and I went two years ago.

Well, I may not be online until we return, so I'll "see ya real soon!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

seriously, by posting your schedule you are leaving yourself open to stalkers...like me