Monday, April 24, 2006

You're All I Ever Wanted

And I'm back. We had a wonderful trip and did lots of fun things. But today I'm only going to write about one of the highlights. Yes, we had ourselves a great big celebrity sighting.

On Saturday night we stopped at the Orlando Ale House so that various members of our party of 17 could watch the games of their respective teams. Since we were a party of 17 we had to break up into different tables. I ended up at a table in the bar. And as I enjoyed my brew, a familiar face wandered by. It was J.C. from NSYNC (and the Mickey Mouse Club)!! He was with a girl and another guy. They sat at a table across the bar from us and ordered dinner. I didn't want to stare too blatantly, but here's what I can report: J.C. was wearing khaki shorts, flip-flops and a gray hooded sweatshirt. He played part of a game of pool with the guy he came with. After that, he took off his sweatshirt and had on a black t-shirt. He ate a hamburger and drank a bottle of Aquafina and something else in a coffee mug. The only person in the bar who harassed him was a drunk chick at the table next to us. She went over and asked him if he was J.C. and he denied it. Then she complimented the girl he was with on having a cute boyfriend that looks like J.C.

I made Steve take a picture of me with my cell phone that featured J.C. in the background (I'm so sly). And I do have that photo stored on my phone. However, I've spent the past hour trying to figure out how to get the photo off my phone, only to discover that my phone doesn't have the capability to send pictures. So, if you're local and want to see the picture on my phone, I'd be happy to share. If not, you'll have to just deal with the cheesy stock image I used here.

More on Florida tomorrow ...

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