Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring Forward

So, it's 4:00 p.m. on Sunday and the list is not yet complete. I'll blame that on the hour that was robbed from me this morning.

I did do the majority of the tasks:

-- Buy my sister a birthday gift
DONE. And I love Macy's now that I'm an "Elite" card holder. I got the gift wrapped for free and felt that the customer service was much better once I flashed my black card.

-- Buy Erika an engagement gift
DONE. I coaxed Steve into dinner at Santana Row last night so I could do this one.

-- Do the laundry

-- Clean the house
Just about DONE. I just need to vacuum the bedrooms.

-- Plant flowers and veggies (if it doesn't rain)
DONE. This year we will (hopefully) be feasting on zucchini, yellow pear tomatoes, strawberries and pumpkins.

-- Weed the backyard (if it doesn't rain)
Did as much as I could. Felt that once I filled the yard clippings bin to the brim, I should stop. Steve did a bunch of work in the yard today.

-- Go to the gym twice

-- Finish my cards for my birthday card swap

-- Finish my New Year's Eve scrapbook

-- Buy craft stapler at The Container Store
DONE. Also part of the dinner trip to Santana Row.

-- Write up a course description for my class at the community center
Need to do this next!

So, all in all, a pretty good effort. Well, I must go vacuum now. Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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