Friday, March 31, 2006

And if there's time, we might go to Bed Bath and Beyond

Happy weekend!

I started today off at my 6:00 a.m. step and sculpt class. We did an "intense" series of shoulder exercises, which means I'll be having "intense" shoulder pain this weekend!

On my way home I noticed that the shopping carts were finally gone from our neighborhood. Yay!

So, not much exciting planned this weekend, but I do have a lot I'd like to accomplish. I'm going to post my to-do list here in hopes that it'll make me accountable for actually completing it:

-- Buy my sister a birthday gift
-- Buy Erika an engagement gift
-- Do the laundry
-- Clean the house
-- Plant flowers and veggies (if it doesn't rain)
-- Weed the backyard (if it doesn't rain)
-- Go to the gym twice
-- Finish my cards for my birthday card swap
-- Finish my New Year's Eve scrapbook
-- Buy craft stapler at The Container Store
-- Write up a course description for my class at the community center

Well, I gotta go. Steve and I are going to watch "Derailed."

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