If you haven't heard yet, Tickle Me Elmo TMX is the hottest toy for the holidays. We heard about the frenzy last week, and Steve went on an Elmo search. Our local Toys 'R Us was sold out and didn't plan to receive its next shipment until mid October. But they did have a few of the Elmo TMX Barbies, so he bought two.
Steve sold the Barbies on eBay for over double the price he paid for them. So, yesterday we went out and found a bunch more to sell.
Our Sunday ads came early, and the Wal-Mart ad featured Elmo on the cover. So I called Wal-Mart and they guaranteed they would have some today, but recommended coming right when the doors open (7:00 a.m.) if I wanted one.
We woke up at 5:30 a.m. today and headed to Wal-Mart. We were the first in line. When they opened the doors, there were six of us. We scurried to the toy section and found NO ELMOS! The employees in the toy section said they didn't have any.
Needless to say, I was PISSED. Additional Wal-Mart employees confirmed that there were no Elmos to be had.
Now there were about a dozen shoppers looking for Elmo. We all gathered at the customer service desk and the angry mob mentality started to set in. After about 20 minutes of waiting, a manager came out and told us that they did actually have some Elmos, but they weren't supposed to sell them until 10:00 a.m. Obviously, that was not going to work for us.
She ended up having us line up, and we each got to buy one Elmo.
THANK GOD! Cause if I spent my precious sleep time standing outside of Wal-Mart for no reason, I was going to kick somebody.
Now we're just wondering if we should put them up on eBay now, or if we should wait until closer to the holidays. If anyone's in the market, just let me know and we can work something out ;)
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