Sunday, December 24, 2006

Slingle Bells

I feel like a big, whiny baby. Here’s why:

Yesterday I flung the backdoor of my car open and bent over to get some bags out. The door bounced back and slammed into my elbow. Really hard. The pain was so bad that I didn’t know if I’d be able to make it from the driveway into the house.

When I got inside, I rolled around on the floor for a while, writhing in pain. Then I was OK enough to get some ice on it and take some Advil. Seven hours later, the pain was getting worse (especially when I moved my arm around) and I couldn’t fully bend my elbow.

So Steve took me to the emergency room. I had to get x-rays and everything. Turns out there were no broken bones. They put me in a sling and gave me some Vicodin. That really helped.

Today it feels a bit better. But all I have to show for my pain and suffering is the tiniest little black-and-blue on my elbow. My hospital discharge papers have the diagnosis “bruise” on them. How lame.

Anyway, I have to wear the sling for a few days. On the bright side, the bags I was bringing in included one from this new store I found that was having a fantastic half-off sale. Note the Juicy baby blue hobo that is listed. It is now in my closet.

Before all of this, I had my hair done and met a friend in Willow Glen for lunch, exchanging gifts and more Christmas half-off shopping. I guess I will be relaxing today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no! The perils of shopping. Take care and hope you're feeling better.