Saturday, October 14, 2006

Spooky Surprise

Steve and I just returned home from booing our neighbors. What is booing, you ask?

Well, what you do is fill a bag of Halloween treats and anonymously, in the dark of night, leave it on your neighbor's porch. Usually it includes a little note telling your neighbor to spread the fun and do the same to another neighbor. Does that make any sense? I'm not sure ... It's late.

In the past, I'd only encountered homemade boo bags. Well, while shopping in Target the other day, I came across an awesome boo bag kit. It includes two cute bags, some candy corn, a poem instructing your neighbor to go to Target and buy the same kit, and a little ghost sign to hang on your door to indicate that you've already been booed. That is genius, because it sucks when you keep getting booed back by the people you booed. I said boo way too many times in that sentence. Boo.

Anyway, when you buy the boo bag kit, you must stuff it with goodies. Lucky you: You're in Target. And they happen to have goodies. Here is what I bought for my bags:

Some Dove chocolates, Halloween Oreos (with orange cream), ghost Peeps, little cans of Jones Spooky Cider, and some little Halloween candles. Here's the finished product:

So, we just dropped them off on two of our neighbors' porches. I don't know if they'll suspect us.

The only problem with the boo kits is that they don't include a little ghost door sign for the person who initiates the booing (me). That means I'll probably get booed back. But I'm cool with that, cause it gives me an excuse to go back to Target and to spread more Halloween fun!

1 comment:

Angela Zapien said...

Too cute and what a cute idea!