Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I've seen the site The Shape of a Mother circulated a lot lately. I think it's a great idea -- I'm all for realistic images of women and loving your body, and all that. (Which I realize sounds totally hypocritical given I'm on this crazy diet.)

But geez, the site scares the heck out of me! I was just ignorant, thinking that once you have a baby, your tummy just bounces right back to normal. I'm so glad that I now know that is not the case.

It just freaks me out to think you get up one morning after giving birth, look down and see some totally unfamiliar body. And you're responsible for a new little life. It must be such a wakeup call that you're really a grown-up.

If you look at the site, check out the July archives. That's where some of the more "illustrative" posts are.

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