Saturday, August 12, 2006

How Rude!

Yes, friends. I'm quoting Stephanie Tanner.

I had a party at my house this afternoon. As of yesterday morning, I had 12 people RSVPed "yes." Three people showed up.

Don't get me wrong. I love setting my place up for entertaining, and I love having people over, and I had a wonderful time with the three people who did show. But I think it is INCREDIBLY rude to RSVP to a party and then not show up. Or to back out at the last minute.

Hello. I am an organized person, and I've had things ready for the appropriate amount of RSVPs since last weekend. So that means I totally wasted my time and resources times nine.

I think my biggest pet peeve is people who are flakes. So I'm just a tad upset right now.

I'd like to lead a wave of social accountability. If you commit to something, you show your ass up, unless you're like barfing up your intestines or something.

Here are photos of the things the flakes missed:

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